ACRU: Vote Fraud in Nursing Homes is Real and Verifiable

** Press statement and Media Availability **
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 12, 2020
CONTACT: Lori Roman 877-730-ACRU
ACRU: Vote Fraud in Nursing Homes is Real and Verifiable
Naples, FL— American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) has provided affidavits to the Texas Attorney General as part of a request for a criminal investigation into alleged vote fraud committed against a resident with dementia in a Texas nursing home.
In April of this year, ACRU launched its Protect Elderly Votes project to protect seniors from vote fraud and ballot manipulation by providing resources and guidance to seniors, senior residence staff, and anyone assisting the elderly with voting.
ACRU’s vote fraud hotline (877-730-ACRU) has been advertised throughout the country for residents and their family members to utilize to report suspected fraud. The Texas case is a result of a tip through the ACRU hotline.
This hotline also received a documented tip from a credible poll observer at a voting center in Detroit. “John” witnessed falsification of ballots (particularly military ballots) and saw unverifiable ballots appear. He documented “bullying” and “blocking” of GOP count observers.
ACRU pointed him in the right direction and he is now one of the whistleblowers in this lawsuit. We are grateful to “John” and the many honorable and patriotic whistleblowers who are standing for voting integrity. They are heroes.
Just last week the Texas Attorney General announced an indictment of a social worker in another Texas town on 134 felony counts of election fraud perpetrated against nursing home residents.
A key part of ACRU’s effort was direct contact with senior residence directors and CEOs warning against vote interference and ballot harvesting committed by outside political agents or residence staff. ACRU made over 1,000 calls to nursing homes and senior living facilities in multiple states and sent over 3,000 letters nationwide warning against fraud and providing important legal details.
With direct calls to almost every nursing home in Pennsylvania, Protect Elderly Votes heavily targeted its outreach to the Keystone State. Now, according to a report from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), attention to nursing home election fraud in this state are well-founded.
“Senator Graham is reporting his Committee office has been alerted to the possibility of as many as 25,000 potentially fraudulent votes gathered illegally from nursing home residents in Pennsylvania. Its state law does not allow ballot harvesting, yet thousands of seniors across the state seem to have requested ballots in a very short window of time,” notes ACRU President Lori Roman.
“As the Senator continues his investigation, the important questions that must be answered include determining who requested these ballots and who completed them.”
Roman concludes: “We have seen the arrest of a social worker in Texas charged with falsifying ballots of residents in the facility where she worked and we have received numerous tips through our vote fraud hotline indicating that nursing home staff or activists are taking advantage of elderly patients. This is not only vote fraud but certainly a form of elder abuse. No American should stand for this disgusting abuse of power.”
American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally-protected civil rights of all Americans.