Criminals are always looking for new ways and technology to hack into your life, steal protected information, and rob you blind.
Your cell phone sends you software updates constantly to prevent this. Yes, the updates are annoying and take time to install, but they are also critically necessary to prevent criminals from breaking into your device and stealing your private information. How secure do you think your cell phone — or any of your electronic devices — would be if your last software update was FOUR YEARS AGO?
READ MORE: Ken Blackwell: GA Secretary of State Must Address Documented Issues Raised by the Halderman Report | The Patriot Post
GA Secretary of State Must Address Documented Issues Raised by the Halderman Report
Criminals are always looking for new ways and technology to hack into your life, steal protected information, and rob you blind.
Your cell phone sends you software updates constantly to prevent this. Yes, the updates are annoying and take time to install, but they are also critically necessary to prevent criminals from breaking into your device and stealing your private information. How secure do you think your cell phone — or any of your electronic devices — would be if your last software update was FOUR YEARS AGO?
READ MORE: Ken Blackwell: GA Secretary of State Must Address Documented Issues Raised by the Halderman Report | The Patriot Post
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