General Election Information

Residential Facility Laws

Protect Your Vote!

Has someone else voted on your behalf without your knowledge? Has someone taken advantage of a family member’s voting registration? Research your voting records here using the database.

Poll Worker and Poll Volunteer Information

Poll Worker and Watcher Information for Florida

Poll Workers & Poll Watchers

Florida has 67 counties. Each county has a Supervisor of Elections. Each Supervisor conducts elections within his or her county. Some municipal clerks may conduct their own local elections when not held in conjunction with a county or statewide election.

Contact your county Supervisor about voter registration, voting, and elections.

County Supervisor of Elections Contact Information Lookup

How to Become a Poll Worker

Contact your county Supervisor of Elections about becoming a poll worker. A poll worker is required to attend at least 2 hours of training (at least 3 hours if holding a higher position) prior to each election that he or she is serving. A poll worker is paid. As a poll worker you must be a registered qualified elector of the county in which you are serving. You must also be able to read and write the English language. Bi-lingual speakers (especially those who speak Spanish) are encouraged to apply and serve.