General Election Information

Residential Facility Laws

Protect Your Vote!

Has someone else voted on your behalf without your knowledge? Has someone taken advantage of a family member’s voting registration? Research your voting records here using the database.

Poll Worker and Poll Volunteer Information

Poll Worker and Watcher Information for Minnesota


Election judges are temporary, paid employees of local election officials trained to handle all aspects of voting at the polling place. Serving as an election judge is a chance to learn about elections, and is a great service to the community.

On Election Day, there can be as many as 30,000 election judges temporarily employed at polling places across Minnesota. You too can be an election judge—many towns and cities are always looking for qualified applicants. This page includes information on how to applywho can applypay, the time commitmenttime off from work, and student trainees.

Minnesota law does not authorize poll watchers. For a complete list of who’s allowed to be present in a polling place, see Minnesota Statutes 204C.06.