General Election Information

Residential Facility Laws

Protect Your Vote!

Has someone else voted on your behalf without your knowledge? Has someone taken advantage of a family member’s voting registration? Research your voting records here using the database.

Poll Worker and Poll Volunteer Information

Poll Worker and Watcher Information for Texas

How to become an Election Worker

Under Texas law, you are eligible to be appointed as an election worker if you are:

    • A U.S. Citizen
    • A qualified voter in the jurisdiction in which the election is being conducted (County or municipality)

The first step is to contact your local election officials. You can find them here.

Texas Election Worker Training Program

To get the process started, you can take Texas’ Online Poll Worker Training program. This web-based curriculum mirrors the Handbook for Election Judges and Clerks (PDF) and will train poll workers about polling place procedures. In addition to the information found in the handbook, there are test questions, real life case studies/exercises to resolve and other features such as voting equipment videos or instructions specific to your county. The online training is available free of charge, 24/7, for all poll workers. They can take the training anytime and anywhere they have Internet access.

With the online course, Poll Workers can use their computer or mobile device, skip around from lesson to lesson, start, stop and come back to where they left off, and utilize the progress bar showing their advancements through the course.

Registering into the Online Poll Worker Training Program:

Poll Workers must self-register into the system by signing up for the course. To sign-up, they must select and enter a:

  • County Location or “City-School-Other Political Subdivisions”
  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password

Once registered, the poll worker will be prompted to login using their newly created user name and password, and will have immediate access to the training.

Should you have any questions about the Online Poll Worker Training, please email or call toll free at 1.800.252.8683.