Election Integrity

Ken Blackwell: What is Senate Bill 71 and what impact would it have on Ohio elections?

Ohio used to be one of the worst states at maintaining its voter rolls. In fact, three Ohio counties even had more people registered to vote than the total voting age population living in these counties. The U.S. Supreme Court even found voter ID to be constitutional because of bad voter rolls like seen in Ohio. This all changed when then Ohio Secretary of State John Husted, now our lieutenant governor, came into office.

By |2023-03-19T13:48:58+00:00March 19, 2023|

Jason Snead: The Ranked-Choice Voting Virus Spreads To Utah

"A guinea pig.” That is what Sandy, Utah Mayor Monica Zoltanski said that “ranked-choice voting” (RCV) made of her hometown. The town opted into Utah’s controversial RCV pilot program, but the experiment has not gone well. The cost-saving promised by proponents never materialized, but the real alarm bells should have sounded when the experiment produced voter confusion and voter disengagement.Yet instead of ending this failed pilot program, Utah legislators are now considering a bill to expand ranked-choice voting to primary elections for state and federal office.

By |2023-03-05T18:49:13+00:00March 5, 2023|
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