America’s seniors have made tremendous sacrifices to help ensure the safety and security of our nation at home and abroad. It is critical that we repay this debt by enhancing the security of senior votes.
The Center for Vulnerable Voters is focused on combating vote theft and suppression among the elderly and ensuring the constitutional voting rights of our seniors are protected.
“It is most often the poor and the elderly who lose their votes to the ballot harvesters.”
Washington Times, March 31, 2020
“There wasn’t a signature. There was just an ‘X’. She was either coerced or someone else put an x for her name.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer, November 3, 2017
“Florida law has failed to keep up with the growing popularity of mail-in voting, leaving candidates and campaigns free to manipulate voters — even to the point of helping them fill out their ballots, a Palm Beach Post investigation found.”
Palm Beach Post, March 11, 2017

We celebrate our patriotic seniors and the invaluable contributions they have made to the financial strength and fundamental freedoms we enjoy as Americans. In turn, we must take every action to ensure the integrity and intent of our seniors’ political choices at a time when they are at risk to be targets of vote fraud. Americans under 65 must demonstrate their gratitude for the continued guidance of our treasured seniors by protecting their votes.
The Hon. J. Kenneth Blackwell, Former Secretary of State for Ohio, ACRU Action Board of Directors
Voting is a cherished and precious right for all Americans — the American Constitutional Rights Union has been fighting for free and fair elections for decades. Now, we must turn our efforts to protect and preserve the right to secure voting for our senior citizens.
For a variety of reasons, senior citizens may face voting challenges. Transportation hurdles, technology advances, mobility issues, and other aging-related factors can make it difficult for seniors to vote in person or via absentee ballots. Often, due to living arrangements in assisted care facilities, seniors must trust and rely on others for voting assistance. Sadly, these conditions make fraud more likely.
We must do everything in our power to make sure the votes of our senior citizens are protected and counted fairly.
Visit Protect Elderly Votes for more information on this important ACRU project.
Case Studies
Illinois Residential Facility Voting
Linda is an Occupational Therapist by trade. In her profession, she frequently provides care services to residents of assisted living and residential facilities.
In November of 2022, Linda visited two different residential facilities in a small Illinois City along the Mississippi. Her objective was to learn more about actual election practices in residential facilities and later to assist facilities with knowledge and processes to properly adhere to state laws.
The following report offers a summary of her in-person interviews.
Someone Stole Mom’s Vote!
ACRU CEO Lori Roman recently wrote this article about the shocking story of incapacitated citizens’ votes being stolen. Read on for details on how the votes of our most vulnerable citizens are being hijacked without their knowledge or consent.
“I felt like I had been punched in the gut!” Mary was shocked to see that her mom had “voted” in the November 2020 election. As her guardian, Mary had not changed her mom’s voter registration when she moved her to a new county because, of course, nonverbal dementia patients are unable to vote. She also knew that her mom was unable to fill out a request for a mail-in ballot and had no idea of the name of the current president. She immediately called her sister and said, ‘Someone stole Mom’s vote!’”
Read the article here.
Residential Facility Materials
Research the Vote
Do you have reason to believe someone else may have voted on behalf of your client or loved one? Find out here!